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Urgent Help



Charitable medical programmes


2.5 Million

Services Provided Since 2012


40 Thousand

Poor Beneficiary Annually



Comprehensive medical center

About Us

Arabian Medical Relief (AMR) is a Jordanian charitable society specialized in charitable medical work, and headquartered in Amman. AMR was registered in the Societies Register in 2012 under registration No. (420125927), and operates under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health. Established with the aim of providing services to the underprivileged segments of society, such as impoveris....

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Our medical centers

Charitable Medical Center - Irbid

Launched in 2015, it is a primary health care center that provides diagnostic, clinical and medical services with a nominal fee for all needy citizens and residents of the Kingdom, receives....


Qatar Charity’s Comprehensive Medical Center

Acomprehensive medical center that provides primary and specialized healthcare, in addition to providing free-of-charge diagnostic, clinical, and medication services to the Syrian refugees residing in the Zaatari camp, eventually receiving an average of 300 cases daily.

The Center opene....


Maternity and Childhood Center

Distinguished by having female cadres only, this medical center is concerned with the health of women and children, providing a range of clinics and medical services and receiving an average of 20 to 50 visitors per day.


Diagnostic Radiology Center

Diagnostic Radiology Center

Specialized in radiology of all types, the Center is equipped with various and modern x-ray equipment, receiving around 10 -3....


Al Amal Center for Health Promotion

This facility is a comprehensive specialized rehabilitation center for children, focused on providing physiotherapy and occupational therapy services, speech therapy, auditory therapy, and psychological support. First launched in 2017, this project is a join effort by the following organizations:....


Sheikh Jasem Ben Jabr Al Thani Center

This medical center provides free-of-charge primary healthcare services (diagnosis and medication) to the refugees in the camp and residents of the 2nd village, whose number is currently 11,000 people, and the center receives around 300....


Sixth Village Medical Center

In 2017, a partnership was concluded with the UNHCR, as the population benefitting from the Sixth Village Center is estimated at about 10,000people, with the Center providing its services to nearly 150 individuals on a daily basis, eventually served a total of 260000 beneficiaries since opening i....


Mobile Clinic

As part of AMR’s activities and programs, the pioneering project “Mobile Clinic” was launched, marking a one a o....



It consists of four ambulances, two of which operate in semi-desert conditions and are funded by the UNHCR. This project aims to transport poor patients to and from their homes and hospitals. These ambulances are equipped with the l....


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Association News


جمعية الإغاثة الطبية العربية توقع اتفاقيات لتنفيذ مشاريع إنسانية وتنموية مع قطر الخيرية والهيئة الخيرية الأردنية الهاشمية

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جمعية الإغاثة الطبية العربية تعقد اللقاء السنوي للموظفين

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